About the Unicycling Society of America’s Skill Levels

About the Unicycling Society of America’s Skill Levels


Whether you ride a unicycle or an odd bike, chances are at some point you’re going to come across the standards published by organizations in that sport’s sphere of influence.

Case in point, the Unicycling Society of America, which has set standards for “Unicycle Skills Levels” based on relative measures of ridership proficiency, and number of skills mastered.

Just in case you were wondering how your skills stack up, here’s the official breakdown (for more information, check out Unicycle USA for more information or how to be tested). 

Level 1

This is the most basic level administered by Uni USA. To qualify, you must be able to mount unassisted, ride 50 meters, and dismount unassisted with the unicycle in front of you.

Level 2

You must be able to demonstrate that you can mount with both the left and right foot; ride two meters between two parallel lines 30 cm apart, ride a figure-8 with circle diameters of less than 3 meters, ride down a 15 cm vertical drop, and make 90° turns to the left and right inside a 1 meter circle.

Level 3

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You must demonstrate three types of mounts, ride a figure 8 with circle diameters less than 1.5 meters, be able to stop, pedal a half revolution backwards and then ride forward again, ride with your stomach on the saddle for 10 meters, make 180° turns to the right and left within a 1 meter circle, be able to hop 5 times, and ride or hop over an obstacle measuring 10x10 cm.

Level 4

To qualify for level 4 you must demonstrate 4 types of mounts, ride backwards and one-footed for 10 meters, idle with both the left foot and right foot down 25 times, ride with the seat out in front (and in back) for 10 meters, and be able to make 360° turns to the left and right within a 1 meter circle.

Level 5

Level 5 riders must be able to demonstrate 5 types of mounts, ride backwards in a circle, ride a figure-8 one-footed, idle one-footed with both feet 25 times, ride in a circle with the seat out in front (and in back), hop-twist 90° to the left and right, and wheel walk 10 meters.

Level 6

To qualify for level 6, a rider must be able to demonstrate 6 types of mounts, ride backward in a figure-8 and ride with the seat out in front and in back in a figure-8. You must be able to ride backwards with the seat out in front for 10 meters, hop standing on the wheel 10 times, ride with the seat out to the side in a circle, to the left and right, ride one footed with the left foot and right foot for 10 meters, and be able to spin, backspin and frontspin.

Level 7

Level 7 riders must demonstrate 7 types of mounts, ride backwards in a circle with the seat out in front, ride one-footed in a circle with both feet, walk the wheel one-footed for 10 meters (and walk the wheel in a circle), hop-twist 180° to the left and right, ride backwards with the seat out in front for 10 meters, and spin to the left and right.

Level 8

Level 8 riders must demonstrate 8 types of mounts, ride one-footed with the left and right foot in a figure-8, walk the wheel in a figure-8 and one-footed in a circle, ride backwards one-footed for 10 meters, glide for 10 meters, hand-wheel-walk for 10 meters, pirouette and backwards spin.

Level 9

Level 9 riders must be able to demonstrate 9 types of mounts, wheel walk one-footed in a figure-8, ride in a circle backwards with one foot, ride backwards with the seat out in front in a figure-8, ride backwards with the seat out in back in a circle, and wheel one, one-footed, with both feet for 10 meters. Level 9 riders must also be able to drag the seat out in front and back for 10 meters, ride backwards one-footed with both feet for 10 meters, ride one-footed with the seat out in front for 10 meters, and perform a backwards pirouette.

Level 10

The hardest of all categorized Uni USA skill levels, level 10 riders must be able to demonstrate 10 types of mounts, ride backwards with the seat in front in a figure-8, ride backwards in a figure-8 with one foot, and wheel walk one-footed in a circle, with both feet. Level 10 riders must also wheel walk backwards in a circle, perform a 180° uni spin, sideways wheel walk 10 meters, coast and side ride for 10 meters, and wheel walk backwards, with one foot, for 10 meters.

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If you can master all of these skills, you’ll be among the few unicycle riders out there that can claim Unicycle USA’s coveted Level 10 of skilled riding.

Gear, Parts, and Know-How for Unicycles and Odd Bikes, at Your Fingertips

If you have questions about these skill levels (which are set by Uni USA, not us) either contact them or get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to help.

One thing you be aware of though, is that to qualify you must be tested by a certified tester.

Regardless, whether you’re looking for odd bike or unicycle parts, safety gear, or unicycle or bike tools, we’re here to help. Check out our catalog or contact us for more help along your journey to master the one-wheeler.